Claim to Review

Reviewers must claim Challenges in order to score submissions

Claiming is an up front commitment to review and score a minimum number of submissions on a Challenge.

In Analytics Challenge, submissions are solutions. These may be dashboards or tools that answers questions or solve problems.

You must temporarily lock rMETRIC to claim. If you claim and don’t complete review before the deadline, 5 rMETRIC will be slashed for each submission you fail to review.

How it works...

  • Commit to reviewing a minimum number of submissions by locking rMETRIC against a Challenge. You must commit to scoring at least 10, 25, 50, 75 or 100 submissions

    • If there end up being less than 10 submissions at the end of the Challenge and the Reviewer had committed to 10, the app will recognize that and reconcile to whatever the submission count actually was

  • Review the minimum number of submissions you committed to before the review deadline

  • If you complete review before the deadline, your rMETRIC will be unlocked

  • If you don't complete review before the deadline, a portion of your locked rMETRIC will be slashed

Important: When claiming to review a Challenge, you must fund and temporarily lock rMETRIC from your connected wallet, sign a transaction in your wallet, and pay gas fees to complete the claim.

Last updated