
What purpose does the Metrics protocol serve?

As a network of stakeholders with varying levels of access, MetricsDAO participants, contributors, and partners primarily interface with MetricsDAO through a decentralized application. This application utilizes a set of on-chain primitives to support service delivery by a decentralized participant network.

The MetricsDAO application supports two primary Challenge types: Brainstorm and Analyze. Both flows leverage the same underlying primitives and behavior incentivization, however, the application will encourage different behaviors depending on the use case.

Challenges in MetricsDAO are organized into Marketplaces. Each Challenge within a Marketplace follows the rules of that Marketplace including the types of pTOKENs that may be used by Sponsors, the reward distribution style, $rMETRIC required to participate, etc. To launch a Challenge, Sponsors must provide pTOKENs and $METRIC.

The Brainstorm Challenge type is used to source and refine questions. Question sourcing is generally focused around a partner client or a topic and is a time-bound process wherein submitted questions are prioritized and may be refined by others. Questions may be prioritized at scale with a simple Likert scale.

The Analyze Challenge type is used to solicit queries, dashboards, tooling, etc. as requested by the Sponsor. Upon submitting analytics for Peer Review, a network of Reviewers determine the quality of work and assign a score utilizing a Likert scale.

In both Challenge types, Service Providers compete and collaborate to earn pTOKENs while Reviewers enforce quality and earn $METRIC. While pTOKEN amounts are supplied purely at the discretion of the Sponsor, the amount of $METRIC required to launch a Challenge is dynamic based on Network Capacity.

Through the composition of these primitive concepts, the Metrics protocol enables MetricsDAO and its partner network to engage in a functioning digital labor market. We anticipate that the protocol will be used to source high-quality answers for MetricsDAO clients with greater efficiency and scale while creating conduits to monetize unused Network Capacity.

Metrics Beta does not include the $METRIC token or support cross-chain payments.

This documention will continue to be updated following developement.

Last updated