Quickstart: Make a Network

Networks are subcommunities. Already got a group of web3 frens who want to join together? Or have an idea for a subcommunity?

You can make a network in these quick steps: Go to Badger. Create an Organization. Make a Badge in the Organization. Mint this badge to whoever you want. Voila – you have a network!

Go to Badger

Go to https://www.trybadger.com/. Click on Issue Badges to enter the app.

Connect your wallet on the Polygon network.

You are in!

Make a new Organization

Press the Create Organization button to make your ERC-1155 smart contract.

What to add here: Fill out the organization name. Write a sentence description. Choose a short symbol (example: a MetricsDAO network symbol could be MDAO). If you want, upload an image.

When you are done filling out the details, click Create Organization to kick off the on-chain transaction that will create your smart contract. Make sure to approve the transaction in your wallet. When the transaction is confirmed on-chain, the Create button will stop blinking green.

Create a Badge

Now you just need a Badge inside your new Organization! Click Create Badge.

Fill out the badge name and description (you can change them later).

Optional: add attributes that are important to you.

Scroll down. Choose the Account Bound setting.

Select Yes for Account Bound if you want to have control over who is in your network (we recommend the Yes setting for our community). You will still be able to mint and revoke badges, and you can designate managers now or later who can also make these changes. But holders of badges can’t give it to someone else.

Otherwise, if you are ok with the original owners giving away or selling badges to anyone on the internet, you can choose No under Account Bound.

This is the only setting you will need here currently.

You can upload a custom image for your Badge if you want to (optional).

Almost there! Click Create Badge and sign the wallet transaction.

When the transaction is confirmed on-chain, the Create button will stop blinking green.

Mint the Badge to members

You have the Badge! Now you can give it to people in your network, to help identify on-chain who they are.

Click Update Holders when you want to mint or revoke this badge to your members. Add wallets, click Update Members, sign the transaction. When the transaction is confirmed on-chain, the Update button will stop blinking green.

You can also add or revoke manager rights to anyone who is co-managing this network with you.

Where is my Badge address?

The contract address and token ID will help identify your network on-chain. Maybe you are using a SQL query to pull up on-chain information about the network. Or maybe you are launching challenges on the Metrics App for your network, or giving details to someone else who wants to launch a challenge for your network.

All badges in your Organization will share the same Polygon contract address. You can find and copy it at the top of the page, by the organization name.

Each badge in your Organization will have a different Token ID, from 0 onwards. You will see the token ID under the badge name.

If you have more questions about Badger, check out the documentation. If the docs don’t help, contact danner.eth on MetricsDAO’s Discord server.

Give your network a place to grow

Both MetricsDAO and Flipside Crypto offer networks the opportunity to have their own uniquely permissioned channel with their Discord servers. We highly recommend that you reach out to both MetricsDAO and Flipside to get your own channels up and running.

MetricsDAO Contacts: mar1na, Gab_riel.

Flipside Crypto Contacts: sunslinger19, mar1na, Gab_riel.

The fun part: Lead your network

Congrats, the technical part is over! Now comes the fun part that is entirely yours to imagine.

What helps networks flourish:

  • Get a space to talk. Many networks like having their dedicated channel in the MetricsDAO Discord. Ask us for one in # 🌐│networks-101.

  • Identify what unique value the network provides in the community, the role it plays. Set its goals. Discuss and decide what leadership roles you and other members want to take on. Outline the process for admitting new members (and revoking badges). Write it all up (Notion or Google Docs are great). Share it in your network’s channel.

  • Submit this form to let MetricsDAO know you made a network and what it does. This will help our challenge partners know about it, and help us involve your network in activities.

  • When you complete the previous step, we will invite you (and others who are active in managing your network) to join a special Network Leaders collective to help your network succeed!

More questions? Find us on MetricsDAO’s Discord server in # 🌐│networks-101.

Last updated