Manage Marketplaces

Establish parameters of network coordination

Marketplaces establish the networks that can participate in coordination, the reward curve used, and the allowlist of tokens that may be used.

Sponsors may choose to launch a Challenge in an existing Marketplace or to create a new one.

Establish Marketplace Permissions

When creating a Marketplace, the Marketplace Manager establishes who may participate and perform various actions on the Marketplace contract.

  1. Sponsors: Who is allowed to Launch Challenges in the Marketplace

  2. Analysts: Who is allowed to Submit to Challenges in the Marketplace

  3. Reviewers: Who is allowed to Review Submissions in the Marketplace

Marketplace permissions for each group is implemented using n-badge, a flexible onchain authority management system that interfaces with ERC-1155 tokens.

N-badge empowers Marketplace Managers to tap ERC-1155 networks in creative ways by enabling logic and balance checks.

Create and manage networks with

Determine Reward Curve

Analyst Rewards

Four analyst reward structures are supported by the app. The underlying protocol is flexible and developers may add addition reward distribution styles.

Each challenge has a maximum earnable amount for each Analyst. The reward is determined using the final score and the Reward Curve in the Marketplace.

Score% Earned











Rewards earned by analysts must be claimed in the Rewards center.

Reviewer Rewards

Reviewer rewards are paid at a per review rate. This rate is established by the Sponsor that launches the challenge. Reviewers receive this reward when they perform their review. When paid on the protocol chain, no further action is needed.

If paid with an iouTOKEN, the Reviewer must Redeem in the Rewards center.

Learn more about Cross-Chain Rewards and iouTOKENs

Marketplace Metadata


Marketplace Title

Name the Marketplace


Describe the purpose of the Marketplace

Chain/Project Allowlist

Multi-select chain and project tags associated with the Marketplace

When creating a Marketplace, you must sign a transaction in your wallet and pay gas fees to deploy it

Marketplaces cannot be edited

Last updated