Review Submissions

Badged Reviewers can score submissions on Challenges

After Badged Reviewers successfully claim to review, they can score submissions.

Click Review on a submission to score it...

Review Scores

Peer review starts and happens in real-time as submissions come in. Final scores and winners are determined as soon as the review deadline is reached.

The Metrics app currently uses a 5 point Likert scale to score submissions, where each score has a quantitative value. Together, all scores contribute to an overall weighted average score for a submission, helping to filter out low quality and spam and highlight and reward the best outputs.

Imporant: Follow this link to find out more about our Evaluation Criteria.

Important: You can't edit scores after submitting them. Double check your score and ensure it's good to go.

Important: When scoring a submission, you must sign a transaction in your wallet and pay gas fees to submit the score.

Note: Reviewers do not earn rMETRIC for scoring submissions. Currently, Reviewers are paid by MetricsDAO and payment is not automated by the protocol or application.

Last updated