Issuing, slashing, and global reputation decay

Analysts automatically receive rMETRIC (MDAOM), the Metric Protocol's non-transferrable reputation token, for winning Challenges. MetricsDAO may also issue or slash rMETRIC.

To view your MDAOM balance in your wallet import the custom reputation token:

Contract address: 0x854de1bf96dfbe69fc46f1a888d26934ad47b77f

Token ID: 4

Issuing rMETRIC

You do not need to separately claim rMETRIC rewards after you win a Challenge. Instead, you'll automatically receive rMETRIC to the connected Polygon wallet you use to login to the app when you claim your reward tokens.

As an Analyst, earning rMETRIC increases your reputation in the ecosystem and grants you access to more competitive, high-quality Marketplaces and future earning opportunities.

Note: Reviewers do not earn rMETRIC for scoring submissions.

Slashing rMETRIC

The rMETRIC you temporarily lock when claiming Challenges will automatically be slashed from your connected Polygon wallet if you don't meet your minimum commitment after claiming. This applies to both Analysts and Reviewers.

Global Reputation Decay

The rMETRIC balance of all participants decays over time. This means that inactive or unengaged participants may see their rMETRIC balance drop to zero.

Important: Currently, rMETRIC balances decay at a rate of 50% every 90 days.

Last updated