User Permissions

Your connected wallet gates/grants you permissions in the app

Marketplace Parameters

Marketplace parameters defined by MetricsDAO on behalf of partner projects or individuals control who has permission to launch challenges, submit work, and review submissions within a given Marketplace. Based on these parameters, what you hold in your connected wallet may gate (prevent) or grant (permit) permissions to various workflows/actions within a Marketplace.

Parameters include...

Who has permission to launch Challenges

  • Anyone

  • Delegates only (users who hold a specific Badge in their connected wallet)

Who has permission to submit work on Challenges

  • Minimum rMETRIC balance required in a user's connected wallet

  • Maximum rMETRIC balance required in a user's connected wallet

Who has permission to review submissions

  • Delegates only (users who hold a specific Badge in their connected wallet)

Badger Permissions

You can view any Badges you've been issued in your connected wallet on OpenSea within the Hidden tab. Check More --> Hidden to find these ERC-1155 NFTs.

Learn more about Badger.

rMETRIC Permissions

You can check your rMETRIC balance in your connected wallet.

Last updated